Explore the Colorful World of Acrylic Drums
Ludwig Vistalite

The web site www.vistalite-collector.com was created for entertainment and education purposes. The Ludwig Drum Company owns the copyrights to the Vistalite name. With this web site, I do not intend to violate those rights, or to compete with the company in any way. The goal is to promote the collection of Ludwig Vistalite drums.
This web site contains many pictures of drums that I personally own. The others are pictures that I have collected from a variety of sources over a number of years. Unfortunately, I do not know the owner of many of the sets pictured. If you are the owner of one of these pictures and you wish to not be included after all, please let me know. If there is any information in the captions that needs to be corrected, or that you would like to have modified in some way, contact me accordingly. Please send me pictures of acrylic drums that you have that you would like included in the gallery. I’m also open to constructive criticism and suggestions. This site is for you – the acrylic drum enthusiast and collector.